
MIL has terminal thyroid cancer . Recently her voice box is swollen and she's getting weaker daily and has a lot of the end of life symptoms, but her appetite has not decreased as most end of life articles suggest.

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Dear Mutton, there are different ways to die. Most of us only see one or two, while Hospice has much more varied experience. Just go with what seems right for your mother. Best wishes to you both, Margaret
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Is she getting Hospice services?

Hospice can be a great support in this sort of end of life situation.
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Some people do maintain a good appetite.
Dos MIL have hospice care, and nurse evaluation on her swallow reflex, and does that remain strong, Mutton. If she can still swallow she should continue to enjoy eating what she likes, and can tolerate. My very best wishes out to you both and I hope you are getting good supportive help and MIL getting great care.
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