
My stepmom is on methadone is has my dad is running around all hours of the night and is very ill.

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I am confused, if your Dad is very ill he wouldn't be able to be running around at all hours.

If you want to help your Dad with his medical care, contact an Elder Law attorney and see what you can do, and what paperwork you and your Dad would need to sign.
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Never try to get between a husband and wife. Unless they have dementia, you have no say. Go clean the house and make Dad a good hot meal.
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I agree with pamstegman. Never get between a husband and wife, but you could go and visit your Dad and give him some time in terms of encouragement. He could probably do with it. All the best.
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Well this sucks to have to sit and watch my dad be ran in tha ground I'm very saddens
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JRG1006, if you father is capable of understanding the concept of appointing someone to act on his behalf, he can give you Power of Attorney over his financial affairs, medical affairs, or both. This is a fairly easy process to go through. You will still have conflicts with his wife, no doubt, but it does give you some power.

Would your dad be willing to have you act on his behalf? If his wife objects, would be back down or support you?

You could call APS for a welfare check. Tell them what you know or suspect about his mistreatment. But if they call on him and he says everything is fine and he likes traveling around with his wife, there is not a lot they can do. Does he think things are fine? Or would he complain about his money being used on her drugs?

Talking to a social worker might be your best bet. See if you can make an appointment with one at the hospital he was in most recently.

Poor stepmom. She was trying to get off of one drug and wound up addicted to another. I feel sorry for her, don't you? But that doesn't mean a drug addict should be in charge of your father's welfare. I hope you can find some way to intervene.

By the way, is Dad sick in a way that requires skilled nursing? Would he be better off in a nursing home?
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Is stepmom having dad run around buying drugs for her?
Has the methadone been prescribed to cure an adiction or to control pain.
How long have they been married? Is she very much younger than dad?
Was she an addict before she met dad.
What is dad so sick with?
Would he be willing to allow you to control his healthcare tretment?
Legally his wife has first say.
It is very upseting for you to have to watch this so find ways you can help him and relieve his stress.
A last resort would be to involve the police if stepmom is using illegal drugs.
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