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MDRN, when it comes to Medicaid, each State handles their Medicaid differently. Best to contact the State office.

Usually if the person qualifying for Medicaid owns a house, Medicaid can place a lien on the house. There are exceptions.

One can also make an appointment with an Elder Law Attorney who will help you go through the maze called Medicaid. Such Attorneys are up-to-date with Medicaid rules and regulations.
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If the person is alive, Medicaid technically doesn't "seize" an asset. The person is effectively ruled ineligible for a period of time based on the value of the assets and the cost of care in your area. If the person has died, and doesn't leave a spouse, they can go after almost all assets for recovery of the costs incurred. This includes assets that may have been titled with a non-spouse joint owner that go directly to the survivor or beneficiary and not through the estate.
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Medicaid requires that the applicant is “at need” both medically and financially for the specific Medicaid program they are applying to.

Like for LTC NH Medicaid, they have to show “need” for skilled nursing care & “need” financially which for an individual is basically impoverished as its under 2k in nonexempt assets and under whatever monthly income your state has set (income ceiling under $2100 for most states). Until you properly get to the 2k in assets - basically do a spend down for your care - you cannot be eligible for Medicaid.

Folks tend to focus on the $$$, but the medical “at need” is equally important. 
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