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We really need more info. Her age, any illnesses she may have.

Your profile says she in IL which to me she can do for herself. If she is not eating you need to contact her Dr. There can be all kinds of reasons why she is not eating.
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In some cases stopping eating is an indication that EOL or End Of Life is near. The body does not need the food and as systems slow or shut down to try to make someone eat can lead to more problems. Same with the intake of fluids.
Or it could be that mom is not hungry.
Does not like what is offered.
Is having pain when eating.
Experiences pain after eating.
More info is really needed to get a good answer.
It might be worth a call to her doctor, or if she is on Hospice a call to the Nurse might answer the question
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Is she not eating anything, or just not as much as you think?

My mother has eaten virtually nothing since January and lives almost entirely on Ensure now, so at the very least, see if you can encourage her to drink on a couple of those during the day.

A visit to the doctor is first, though.
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I'm afraid you won't get any very helpful answers until we understand more about the problem. As a start, could you explain why you're worried about this?
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Have you checked her mouth for any sores that may be bothering her, or even loose teeth, as that can certainly interfere with wanting to eat?
Is she taking any medications that are suppressing her appetite?
Does she just not like the food they're serving at her assisted living facility?
Is she able to feed herself, or has she started not to be able to, and there's no one there to feed her?
Since you didn't give us much to go on, that's all I have for you, unless she is starting her dying process, and then she won't want food or drink as well. And food then should never be forced, as it can be painful for the person, as their body is starting to shut down.
I hope you can get to the bottom of what is going on.
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I never force my parent to eat. It’s part of life and death cycle. I offer and suggest a few things then just let her be.
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