Hello, I just found out about this product I think might be helpful for our family but am having a hard time finding a US seller. Does anyone know? It’s called “stairsteady” and it’s a handrail with sliding bar that flips down in front of the person so they can hold onto it using both hands while walking up and down stairs, and which locks into place when the person applies pressure to pull themselves up on each step. It was invented in the UK and there might also be a Canadian manufacturer. Hoping someone has some seller info on this.
I’m not sure I understand what your complaint about stairsteady is. I guess it might not work for everyone but I feel I don’t know enough yet to say whether it might work for my mom. My initial concern would be about the transition point when she reaches the top, her balance may be too far gone for that already. She’d probably need another grab bar or something to steady herself there before she is able to move past the top step and lift the pull bar up out of the way. I’m just trying to look at options for her. I’ll consider the stair glide, that would be good if it were not too expensive, but, my sister thinks it takes up a lot of room and would get in my dad’s way on the stairs since he takes the stairs too. I’m just not sure. I’d like to know more about both options and I’m having a hard time finding specific contact information or reviews about the stairsteady although I know it won the inventor some awards in England.
If anyone has actual experience with this kind of device would love to hear about it. Thanks for your feedback.
My parents relied on their two stairlifts to get around their three floor house for ten years. Without them they never could have stayed in their home as long as they did.
Mobility can change very quickly…yes that seems true. My mom has tried a stair lift a couple times at other people’s homes and says she’s not ready for one yet. I guess we’ll wait till she’s more ready. There seem to be some offered on eBay and Craigslist but most are local pickup only for obvious reasons I guess, so we’ll just hope there’s one for sale nearby at the right time for us. Thanks for your feedback.
Our own decisions are that I hang on to the handrails on each side of our fairly narrow stairs, carrying anything difficult in a cloth bag over my shoulder. It’s good exercise if you can do it. If you only have a hand rail on one side, it might help to fit one to the other side.
We have put a scissor lift outside, currently used mostly for furniture installation following our house move, but eventually usable (and actually intended) for me. For personal access it needs to get the entry level adjusted (we need to dig a pit to put the base into). That was $12,000, compared with my disabled sister’s internal lift of $75,000.
Try to get an idea about the time frame for your mother’s current state of mobility, before you spend a lot of money on the current stage. Think about what will happen in the next stage of ageing, and also on the impact of property value if it involves dry wall attachment.
Good luck! You have my sympathy about looking at a blurb that sounds quite good, but not being able to see the real thing. Yours, Margaret
I just spoke with my mom and she says she’s not ready for a stair glide yet. She says she’s staying very careful with her approach to the stairs.
Good point about considering likely time frames and relative costs. Will do.
Plus the risk of falling backwards when trying to slide the bar upwards. Those with knee or hip issues might find this challenging trying to stand on each step, where just walking up the stairs is fine as there is momentum. Here's an idea, walk up/down the stairs but pause on each step and see how comfortable, or not, that is.
For myself, I found having two sets of stair rails on either side works perfectly. We had them at my office and it was great, now I want them at home :)