
We finally have a routine established and things smoothed out a bit. Next month we would like to get Dad's "live in's" a little respite time to get away. Who can we ask for help finding trustworthy helpers as needed? He has in home care, but they don't do that. They only do OT/PT etc.

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He may need to enter into respite care in a Senior Living facility. Call those in your area. I know of nothing certainly in my large area that is assured to be there, show up, be reliable.
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I second what Alva has suggested because if you choose an assisted living facility that offers respite care in their services then you will have peace of mind that they will absolutely be there to care for your dad.

With an individual you will have to check references and so forth. Plus, what if they have some type of emergency and can’t fulfill their obligation to you. Then there wouldn’t be a back up plan.

So, go for the assisted living facility where there is a full staff on hand.

You are kind to want them to have time off. I am sure they will appreciate it.
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I am not sure we could get him to stay somewhere besides his home, at least not without major upset, he has a cat he obsesses over. We like to avoid that. My youngest is getting married and the family is going to want to be at that. I think the hope is to have someone who could stay the night with him. Would an assisted living have that kind of an option?
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MickiLyn Mar 2021
Beyond the wedding, it would be nice to even just get them a date night occasionally.
I see. I know people who have utilized the service of an assisted living facility so they could take a vacation.

To be honest, I don’t know about just one night but I would check and while you are at it, also mention that he has a beloved pet because many assisted living facilities accept resident’s pets.
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