
She is terminally ill and in the hospital for the most part. I am trying to move us to another state so we can be with family. She requires more oxygen than what we would be able to travel safely with in our car, IF she were to get out of the hospital for any duration of time. Will insurance transport her to another hospital? Or is this on me?

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I rather doubt that insurance will pay for it.
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Your cushy insurance will not cover this trip, trust me. It's not medically necessary. Transport would be by ambulance, totally out of pocket and very stressful on the patient. Not advisable.
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LauraRenee, there are air transport services for those patients who will be traveling a lot of miles. Such air transport services will deal directly with your daughter's health insurance, but from what the websites say this is usually done when there is a medical crises and one has to fly from one hospital to another. Some of these air transport service companies also offer ground transport services where there are 2 drivers [if the distance is long] and one medical personnel.
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I agree with cmagnum above. Since this is your plan to move to another State, not the hospital's plan, I doubt insurance would pay for the transport.
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Not only will they not transport her, she will not have insurance coverage when outside her current state. Hospice told us once we left the county, we were on our own.
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Well, fortunately, we have cushy insurance which will cover her no matter what state she is in. How is someone like her normally transported when it comes to long distance? I am worried about all the oxygen in the car.
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How far will she need to travel?

I believe that you wrote that such a trip would require more oxygen that you cold safely travel with in a car.

I'm not familiar with custody insurance. Would it cover her traveling in a rather large ambulance that could carry a lot of oxygen?
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sorry, I read cushy at custody. Must be some very expensive insurance.
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